Red Deer Overview
The Red Deer River is a major tributary of the South Saskatchewan River, merging with the main stem river just across the border with Saskatchewan. The Red Deer begins in the west with its headwaters in the Rocky Mountains before passing through the forested foothills region. Much of the central parkland portion of the region surrounding the city of Red Deer consists of annual crop production, but further to the east the landscape is a mix of annual crops as well as native rangelands. A notable feature of the region is the badlands of the eastern section of the Red Deer River valley, including Dinosaur Provincial Park.
This map shows the major landcover categories present in the region, including both natural and human features. Detailed landcover maps are an integral component of all of our ecosystem service models.
Red Deer Biodiversity Intactness
The ABMI’s Biodiversity Intactness Index predicts how the ecological community changes as a result of human land-use development, expressed as a percentage. A score of 100% represents an area in which the abundance of each species is exactly as expected if there was no human development present. Human development causes the numbers of some species to decrease, and causes others – such as magpies or coyotes – to become overabundant. Both responses represent a deviation from an intact community, so the index decreases in both scenarios.
Input Spatial Layers
Red Deer Forest Carbon
This map shows the distribution of carbon stored in forested areas, both above- and below-ground. Forests sequester carbon from the atmosphere at different rates based on their age and the forest type. While the amount of carbon stored in dynamic forest ecosystems will always be in flux, large quantities carbon may be quickly removed through major disturbances such as forest fires and timber harvest. In the case of fire, carbon is released directly to the atmosphere; in contrast, timber harvest releases some carbon, but much is also stored for a period of time in forest products such as houses, furniture, or paper. This map is a baseline for understanding potential future changes in carbon storage.
Input Spatial Layers
Red Deer Phosphorus
Phosphorus is a critical nutrient for life; however, too much of it in surface water can lead to environmental problems like blue-green algae blooms and winter fish kills in lakes. This map shows areas of the landscape that are sources of phosphorus that runs off into rivers and lakes, based on a model that simulates precipitation and overland water flow across Alberta in an average year. This type of export is called “non-point source” and it’s the dominant source of excess nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen. Because this phosphorus doesn’t originate from a single, discrete location (“point source”), it’s much more difficult to manage. Linking landscapes to water quality is therefore critical for understanding and managing nutrient loads in our lakes and rivers.
Input Spatial Layers
Red Deer Pollination
Wild pollinators such as native bees pollinate a number of crops in Alberta, perhaps none more importantly than canola. This map shows the monetary value of the pollinator community by estimating the increase in canola yield that can be attributed to pollinators. This model accounts for the amount of uncultivated land available as pollinator nesting habitat (most native bees nest in the ground), as well as how far these insects can fly from their nests during foraging trips.
Input Spatial Layers
Red Deer Standing Timber
This map shows the total amount of standing timber present across the region. Forest stands grow and produce harvestable timber at predictable rates based on their age and stand types. This map is a baseline for assessing the value of timber, which can be done by accounting for the operational costs of timber harvest and milling activities, and the market values of wood products.
Input Spatial Layers
Red Deer Timber Value
This map shows the monetary value generated from a 20-year simulation of forestry, expressed as the net present value. Timber harvest is conducted by mills that have harvest rights in one or more Forest Management Units (FMUs) in Alberta. In the simulation, mills choose harvest locations based on forest age and the estimated cost to transport timber to the mill. Mills process timber into lumber, pulp, or other wood products for sale, and the resulting monetary value is mapped back to the landscape. Therefore, areas on the landscape only show a value if they were harvested during the simulation.
Input Spatial Layers
- ABMI Landcover
- Forest Stand Type & Age
- Mill Locations
- FMU Boundaries
- Ineligible Areas (riparian buffers, parks, and First Nations reserves)
- Cost Distance (derived from road network)